
Data Analytics Advanced

This course is designed to take students to intermediate levels of data analytics, introducing them to regression, time series analysis, setting up analytic models in Excel and Monte Carlo.  The Liberal Education and America’s Promise goal for this course is LEAP Goal 2, to develop intellectual and practical skills throughout the curriculum, as well as […]

Enhanced Organizational Learning

This course is the result of extensive research and literature reviews in the fields of organizational learning, knowledge creation modeling, knowledge translation, absorptive capacity, and knowledge management. Referenced research papers have been carefully selected to ensure students cover the latest research topics in the subject effectively and efficiently.    The basis of competition in today’s […]

Continuous Deployment

While not necessary for this course, I recommend you purchase the textbook by Thomas Grisham on Leading Agile Projects: Grisham, T. (2017). Leading Agile projects. [Kindle e-Qook]. Retrieved from As software applications, and the infrastructure they sit on, grow in complexity, developing and releasing software can be a complicated, time-consuming process, especially when considering […]

Smart City Mgm’t and Sustainability

This course aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles, technologies, and governance structures involved in managing and developing Smart Cities with digital public administrations, preparing them to tackle the complexities of urban transformation and process engineering management in the digital era.  This course surveys the smartest cities in the world, introduces […]

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