
Digital Business Strategies

The course introduces strategy professionals and students to the field of Digital Business Strategy. The participants will learn the foundations of modern business value creation in the digital economy and transient competitive advantages. Including the details of centre to edge digital transformation, intelligent edge, digital ecosystems. Strategic digital assets such as Cloud computing, Social Media, […]

Data Analytics Introduction

Business decisions require the basic skills of analyzing data to understand the problem more completely and to produce better answers. The business environment uses various tools and techniques to accomplish this analysis. This course is designed to introduce students to those tools and techniques and how they can be automated with Microsoft Excel.  The Liberal […]

Legal Issues in Digital Business

The course introduces strategy professionals and students to the legal aspects of doing business in a data driven economy. The participants will learn how digital‐era business strategy requires a legal understanding of: the principles of platform business models, the power of ecosystems effects, indirect and direct collaboration between firms in the digital era and digital value […]

Building Modern Day Teams

Course Description The course introduces strategy professionals and C-Level executives to building modern strategy teams. The participants will learn the roles and traits of digital business strategy teams along with behavioral aspects needed in the digital economy. Including the details of what digital performance levels of a digital enterprise require for successful implementation. With today’s […]

Systems Engineering and Design

While it is not a requirement for this course, I recommend that you get the text by Charles S. Wasson (2016) titled, “Systems Engineering Analysis, Design and Development,” 2nd ed., published by John Wiley & Sons, for reference purposes.    Welcome to this course on Systems Engineering and Design. This course covers a lot of […]

Estimating Cost on Digital Projects

This course addresses a gap between the needs industry imposes on project managers, and the content of engineering management course curriculums typically offered by universities. Historically, project managers had to learn the project cost control function on the job with little guidance from educational institutions.   The concepts in this course will be demonstrated via […]

Planning & Controlling Projects

While it is not required for this course, I highly recommend that you purchase Harold Kerzner’s text on project management: Kerzner, H. (2022). Project management: A systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling, 13th ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. ISBN-13: 978-1119805373. This course addresses the fundamental concepts Project Managers need to know to be able to […]

Strategic Alignment

This course addresses the importance of aligning the firm organization culture, innovation, infrastructure architecture, and knowledge capture with their strategic plan. It is based on the trend in industry that requires successful organizations to continuously identify and respond to many ongoing market opportunities simultaneously. To be an organization that is agile, flexible, creative and knowledgeable […]

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